Friday, July 20, 2007

Sour Cream Cookies Part II

Today I made cookies from half of the refrigerated dough, and it was sooo hard to work with. I've never actually rolled out dough before, by myself, and this was so sticky I had to put a ton more flour all over everything (including me!). My mom helped a little because I had to leave so I was rushing to get the trays in the oven. They turned out really cakey and soft, D-LISH!!!!!

Here is what I did today:

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Tomorrow: FROSTING!!!! (Get Excited!!)


Nick said...

This is like a cookie trilogy! I am very excited.

Chewy Waffles said...

lol, sorry i couldn't make it into a 7 part one!!!